Entry qualification category C,C+E,C1,C1+E, D,D+E,D1,D1+E – code 95
Cena kursu:
Driver who gained the following, should complete entry qualification:
A driver who is 21 years old can do entry qualification accelerated.
Driver , who completed the carriage of goods or passengers course earlier ant gained driving licence category C or C1 after 10th of September 2009 or driving licence category D or D1 after 10th of September 2009 is obliged to do entry qualification.
Driver, who completed earlier entry qualification category C,C+E, C C1+E or D,D1,D+E,D1+E and received category C or C1 after 10th of September 2009 or driving licence category D or D1 after 10th of September 2008 is obliged to do course in matter of additional entry qualification kwalifikacji wstępnej uzupełniającej.
Expiry date of entry qualification is 5 years. After that period driver is obliged to do recurrent training szkolenie okresowe.
The trening in matters of entry qualification can join a person who:
The training in matters of entry qualification involves lessons - 280 hours.
The training is conducted in the form of qualifying course and involves theoretical and practical lessons done in blocks in matters of:
Qualiyfying course involves:
Po ukończeniu szkolenia kierowca otrzymuje zaświadczenie potwierdzające odbycie kursu, które uprawnia go do przystąpienia do egzaminu teoretycznego (test kwalifikacyjny) przeprowadzanego przez komisję egzaminacyjną powołaną przez wojewodę.
Qualifying test referring to entry qualification involves:
Resalt of test is considered as positive when at least:
Exam duration 30 minutes.